Acts: An Exegetical Commentary - 24:1-28:31 (9780801048395)

Merlyn's Complete Book of Druidism : A Master Course in Druidry for Modern Druids (9780578653419)

The ultimate book of Druidism for all Druids of the 21st century!

Collected writings and research spanning a quarter of a century are culminated together to present the most complete guide, reference and course curriculum of druidry--ancient and modern--a spiritual, mystical and magical legacy of legendary renown that speaks relevantly to present times and will carry human evolution into the future. Classic materials originally composing over 7 books in total are expertly arranged for Truth Seekers in one amazing volume!

For the first time, anyone can gain unhindered access to the most complete collection of writings and records revealing answers to long sought after mysteries of the western world: the Secrets of the Druids. An entire esoteric research library--materials developed and revised underground from 1995 through 2020, collected by notoriously prolific mystic writer, Joshua Free--is now at your fingertips. Enter the Sacred Grove and initiate yourself to the greatest Mystery Tradition ever known in Western World while earning Universal Wisdom known only to Druids with the definitive textbook anthology developed by Joshua Free. It contains "Druid's Handbook," "Draconomicon" and the complete "Elvenomicon" compendium, including "Book of Elven-Faerie," "Elven-Druid Grimoire" and "Greenwood Forest Grimoire." But, if that were not enough, an initiate will also discover Joshua Free's original collection of "Pheryllt Research" notebooks--and as an additional bonus: the critical materials excerpted from a specially designed Mardukite Master Course specifically for achieving the greatest success on the Route of Druidism, which also features the revised and annotated tercentenary edition of John Toland's "Pantheisticon." Over 700 pages in all!

Discover the enchantment of the Green World and partake in the hidden legacy and magick of the Ancient Mystery Tradition as once realized in Europe. Here is the key to unlock the forbidden knowledge that evolved throughout history and emerged into factions of the "Western Magical Tradition" observed frequently in the "New Age" movements of today. Joshua Free provides the expert guide on the reality of Druidism in the here and now--as controversial as it is revolutionary and proven effectively workable for our times... and into the future. Here is a textbook providing a foundation of certainty to all those Earth stewards intending to be future planetary guardians in the times being what they are. No dry academic postulating or worn out history lessons about geography and deeds of war leaders. Here is Real Druidism!

When combined together and with the additional notebooks and the revived text of John Toland's Pantheisticon contained within, there is simply no greater single source for all of what you seek regarding Druids, Druidry, Druidic Tradition and the future of Druidism. No matter what your opinions of the discoveries herein enclosed, you will assuredly not ever be the same for knowing them.

If you have been waiting for the ultimate archetypal tome of Druidism to finally arrive... your waiting is over!

Product details

  • Hardback | 728 pages
  • 170 x 244 x 40mm | 1,347g
  • English
  • Annotated
  • Silver Anniversary Master ed.
  • 0578653419
  • 9780578653419
  • 83,071

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